Biblical Counseling - Paperback
SKU: 9781597511391
Biblical Counseling is a topical index for Christian living. It lists more than 200 topics describing difficult situations that every one of us, believers and nonbelievers alike, may face in life at one time or another.
Each topic is listed alphabetically, that contains Pastor Chuck’s commentary with illustrations to explain clearly and simply what God has to say. Next we added a list of Scripture references that pertain to each topic, categorizing them as:
• God’s Perspective: How God views a situation; His commandments for or against it. • God’s Promises: What God will do for someone who chooses to obey His Word. • How to Make a Change: How a person can live in a way that pleases God. • Biblical Examples: Events and characters in the Bible that portray the topic. • Prayers Found in the Bible: Actual prayers as an example or pattern to emulate.
When people came to Pastor Chuck distraught and heartbroken, seeking his counsel for their personal dilemma, he simply replied, “The best thing I can do is give you God’s Word rather than my own thoughts or opinions.”
When you need guidance, when man’s counsel has left you confused and discouraged, go to the Word of God because God has already given you His counsel.