Sermon on the Mount Volumes 1 & 2 - MP3
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SKU: 9781931713986
The Sermon on the Mount is one of the most important sermons Jesus ever preached. It is an expansive explanation of the commandment He gave us to love one another, as He loved us. Yet, how is it possible to attain such a high standard? It is impossible to do this in our own strength, but is only fulfilled by depending upon the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives.Topics include •The Beatitudes•Being Salt & Light •Standards of Righteousness •Murder & Anger•Reconciliation•Adultery, Lusting•Divorce•Swearing Oaths•Turing the Other Cheek•Going the Extra Mile•Loving Your Enemies•Doing Unto Others•Being Perfect•The Wide and Narrow Gates•Seeking God's Approval•Wolves in Sheep's Clothing•Teachings on Prayer•Being Known by Fruits•Treasure in Heaven•Entering the Kingdom•Serving One Master•The House on the Rock•Teaching on Worry•Seeking First the Kingdom •Judging•Asking, Seeking, and Knocking