Servants Call Collection - MP3-USB Flash Drive
SKU: 828147649070
Our vision is to provide resources to assist and prepare pastors and their staff for effective service. We also desire to establish our unique Calvary Chapel perspective on various topics that relate to ministry.
Contains 142 messages
Volume 1: Servanthood Includes 23 Messages:
Brian Brodersen- An Abiding Relationship With Christ Romaine- Being a Servant Steve Mays- Being Content Skip Heitzig- Bitterness and Hatred Chuck Smith- Burden For the Ministry Chuck Smith- Characteristics of a Servant Greg Laurie- Encouragement for the Troubled Heart Damian Kyle- Faithfulness Chuck Smith- The Gift of Ministry Don McClure- Greed in the Ministry David Hocking- The Lust of the Flesh Skip Heitzig- Our Identification With Christ Chuck Smith- The Requirements of Ministry Jon Courson- Self-Promotion in Ministry Gayle Erwin- Servanthood Pt 1 Gayle Erwin- Servanthood Pt 2 Gayle Erwin- Servanthood Pt 3 Chuck Smith- Suffering For God's Glory Chuck Smith- The Jealousy of Others' Ministries Wayne Taylor- The Supremacy of Love Mike MacIntosh- Unbelief Gayle Erwin- Values in Ministry Jon Courson- What Mattered to Our Master
Volume 2:The Authority of the Bible: Infallible Truth Includes 10 Messages:
Chuck Smith- The Word of God Sandy Adams- The Importance of the Word Robert Furrow- The Inspiration of the Word Jon Courson- The Power of the Word Jeff Johson- The Power and Effect of the Word Chuck Smith- The More Sure Word Chuck Smith- The Basis for our Bible Dave Hunt- The Inerrancy of the Word of God Dr. Henry Morris- A Creationist's Defense of the Bible Dave Hunt- Sufficiency & Authority of the Word
Volume 3: Church Doctrine: The Holy Spirit and the Word Includes 21 Messages:
Jon Courson- The Chracter and Nature of God David Hocking- The Empowering of the Spirit Skip Heitzig- The Fear of the Lord Ricky Ryan- Gifts & Baptism of the Spirit Chuck Smith- Grace & Peace of God Louis Neely- Greatness of God Damian Kyle- Grieving the Holy Spirit Chuck Smith- Having Begun in the Spirit Ray Bentley- Holy Spirit Alan Redpath- Holy Spirit & Power for the Ministry Jon Courson- Holy Spirit Building the Church Mike MacIntosh- Holy Spirit Guiding the Ministry Bob Coy- Holy Spirit Purifying the Church Chuck Smith- How to Receive the Holy Spirit Gayle Erwin- Looking Into Jesus Greg Laurie- Ministry Gifts of the Holy Spirit Chuck Smith- Quenching the Spirit Skip Heitzig- Sound Doctrine Chuck SMith/Louis Neely- The Spirit-Led Church Chuck Smith- Spiritual Blessings in Jesus Chuck Smith- To God be the Glory
Volume 4: Pastor Sanctification Includes 10 Messages:
Joe Focht- The Fruit of Unholiness Stve Mays- Holiness Chuck Smith- Living Above Reproach Bill Ritchie- Living the life of Holiness Malcom Wilde- The Necessity of Holiness Chuck Smith- Your Commitment to Holiness Wayne Taylor- Your Preparation For Holiness Damian Kyle- Safeguards to Holiness Edwin Orr- Sanctification Louis Neely- What is Holiness
Volume 5: Sermon Preparation Includes 13 Messages:
Steve Mays- Be Careful in Using Illustrations Skip Heitzig- Expositional Teaching Greg Laurie- Giving an Evangelistic Message Skip Heitzig- Holy Spirit in Sermon Preparation N.M. VanCleave- Homiletics Pt 1 N.M. VanCleave- Homiletics Pt 2 N.M. VanCleave- Homiletics Pt 3 Joe Focht- Plowing the Fallow Ground Greg Laurie- Preaching That Connects Bob Coy- Pulpit Evangelism Skip Heitzig- Staying Current Keeping Fresh Chuck Smith- Study Preparation Chuck Smith- Teaching the Word
Volume 6: Senior Pastoral Roles Includes 39 Messages:
Malcom Wild- A Balanced Ministry Paul Havsgaard/Gaylord Tohill- Assistant Pastors Don Beeman- Benefits Assn. For Churches and Schools Chuck Smith- Biblical Church Government Jon Courson- Christians and the Law Mike MacIntosh- Church Practice Bill Ritchie- Church Staff Relationships Chuck Smith- Criteria For the Minister Pt 1 Chuck Smith- Criteria For the Minister Pt 2 Chuck Smith- Criteria For the Minister Pt 3 Steve Mays- Dealing With Discouragement Skip Heitzig- Developing Strategy Jon Courson- Doing the Work Mike MacIntosh- Faith and Vision Don McClure- Family Relationships Greg Laurie- Fear and Discouragement in the Ministry Don McClure- Finance Chuck Smith- God's Grace and Provision Chuck Smith- How the Work of God is Done Louis Neely- Implementing a Vision Jeff Johnson- Lifestyle of the Minister Peter-John Courson- Making of a Great Church Wayne Taylor- Marriage, Family, and the Ministry Chuck Smith- Minister Pt 1 Chuck Smith- Minister Pt 2 Chuck Smith- Minister Pt 3 Chuck Smith- Ministry Bob Coy- Motivation of Ministry Chuck Smith- Necessity of Commitment Brian Brodersen- Pastor Chuck Smith- Purpose of the Church Wayne Taylor- Raising Up Leadership Mike Chaddick- Selecting, Training, and Firing Leadership Bill Ritchie- Shepherding the Flock Mike MacIntosh- Steps to Revival Bil Gallatin- Struggles and Victories in the Ministry Chuck Smith- Trusting God in the Ministry Mike MacIntosh- Vision in Ministry Raul Ries- Youth
Volume 7: Eschatology Includes 19 Messages:
Raul Ries- Daniel 1 Bill Ritchie- Daniel 2 Pt 1 Chuck Smith- Daniel 2 Pt 2 Jeff Johnson- Daniel 3 Ed Smith- Daniel 4 Jon Courson- Daniel 5 Steve Mays- Daniel 6 Chuck Smith- Daniel 7 Chuck Smith- Daniel 8 Don McClure- Daniel 9:1-19 Chuck Smith- Daniel 9:20-27 Mike MacInstosh- Daniel 10 Skip Heitzig- Daniel 11 Chuck Smith- Daniel 12 Joe Focht- The Signs of the Times Chuck Smith- The Rapture of the Church Roger Oakland- Evolution and the New Age Dave Hunt- Heresies Have Crept Into the Church Chuck Smith- Expecting his Return
Volume 8: Church History Includes 7 Messages:
Chuck Smith- To the Church of Ephesus Mike MacIntosh- To the Church of Laodicea Greg Laurie- To the Church of Pergamos Jeff Johnson- To the Church of Philadelphia Don McClure- To the Church of Sardis Jon Courson- To the Church of Smyrna Raul Ries- To the Church of Thyatira
Designed for use on computers only. 8GB USB Flashdrive(FAT32).All sales final. Non-returnable item.