Chuck Smith Autobiography A Memoir of Grace - Paperback
SKU: 9781597510936
In times of trouble, trial, pain or loss, we often can’t see the value in what we’re experiencing. We don’t realize what God is doing, or why He has allowed us to struggle. But there comes a day when we look back over the road map of our lives and we understand, finally. We see the dots laid out along the path, and the events God permitted in order to move us to our destination.
I am pleased to invite you to pull up a chair and listen as Pastor Chuck tells the story of his life. This book is presented to you with the prayer that what you read will help you see how God’s grace is at work in your own life. Everything you have experienced in the past, everything you’re going through now, and everything that awaits you on the path ahead is all part of God’s plan. His will for you is perfect, and He knows just how to prepare you for your life’s purpose.
Everything is preparation for something else.
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